The beginner’s guide for Corporate Services to selling on Amazon with AFP. A few things to consider before you start selling. When you start selling on Amazon, you become part of a retail destination that’s home to sellers of all kinds, from Fortune 500 organizations to artisan vendors who make handcrafted goods. They all sell here for a reason: to reach the hundreds of millions of customers who visit Amazon to shop.
Amazon FBA Product Research
A golden product is the key to success on Amazon. Our great hunters work untiringly to make your dreams come true a product with high demand & low competition would be at your door step after partnering with Us.
Product Sourcing & Logistics
We will find the best manufacturers for your product according to special criteria of our management best quality & cost effective product after thorough competitor analysis would be destined for your business due to Ranks.
Listing Creation & Optimization
Fascinating & eye-catchy listing is the key to success and increases conversion rate. A listing should reflect the true picture of your high quality product. A team of experts will create an optimized listing that sells.
Brand Registration & EBC
We highly recommend to initiate brand registration proactively to gain numerous benefits like A+ content/EBC, Video Posting along with protection of your Amazon ASIN. We’ve certain established leads which will make it happen smoothly.
Launch & Ranking Strategies
We have experts team for efficient & cost effective techniques to rank your FBA product to top spots within a short timespan.
Unique PPC Campaign Strategies
Team members are certified and experienced on Amazon & are equipped with latest techniques for target oriented PPC campaigns.
Patent & Trademark Check
Patent & trademark research is extreme important to protect your valuable Amazon Business. Our team specializes both in design & utility patents.
A To Z Amazon A/C Management
To achieve really a really hassle free financial freedom through professional management of your amazon account you would certainly need a team.
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